My name is Jacob


Home automation is a passion of mine. I completely automated my house five years ago. Since then I have gone down the rabbit hole of running Homebridge attempting to make every device Homekit compatible. I have worked with some developers to test the stability and use case of their plugins. I am also on the managment team of Homebridge and am working with the founders to create a more user friendly experience with a whole new deloyment process. I also got into HomeAssistant making custom interfaces that make it easiest for ME to control my smart house.

During my experience with Homebridge I discovered not many companies offered official APIS for developer or if they did they were useless due to the amount of restrictions imposed on them. I have reversed Chamberlain/Liftmaster's API, I was the first to reverse engineer Wink's local access API, as well as Ring's API. I have been the first person to have figured out their API and then working side by side with developers to get this unofficial API implmented into their open source software.

I am very interested into photography and videography. I prefer to photograph landscapes when hiking, camping or just outside enjoying the outdoors.

*I am in no way affilated with Apple inc. I am just a fanboy and a techy as my name states*